Updated at 13:45,15-04-2024

Former presidential candidate under the pseudonym “Gavrila“


Former presidential candidate Ales Mikhalevich, in the article published today on the site Naviny.by, talks about some details of his recruitment by KGB (State Security Committee).

They lay down conditions for me in plain text. I was proposed that I can be released only under condition that I become the secret agent", writes Mikhalevich.

"People often ask me about what was in the paper that I signed. The text of this paper was approximately as follows: "I Mikhalevich Alexey Anatolievich, admit that I was used by foreign nationals "in the dark" for committing anti-state deeds against the Republic of Belarus, and express the unconstrained wish to promote to counterintelligence agency of State Security Committee of Belarus, taking operational pseudonym "Gavrila", recounts Mikhalevich.

According to the politician, the handwriting sample of text he was given in advance. "I rewrote it with my hand. The text was compiled in a single copy. The text was obtained under physical pressure, under the impact of abuse, torture, which were applied to me," states Mikhalevich.

In the letter, excerpts of which were distributed on March 4 by KGB, Mikhalevich wrote: "Dear Alexander Grigorievich [Lukashenko], I always treated you with respect, and your contribution to the independence of Belarus are undeniable and very large. During my campaign, I said nothing wrong in your address nor in the address of your close and native. I, as the former candidate, sincerely regret that the conflict occurred and affected many people. I ask you to personally take under control the issue of my fate".

We remind, that on March 4, KGB denied Mikhalevich statement on the recruitment and torture in prison.